
July Super Saturday Sewing Retreat

A marathon effort of quilting from 9am – 9pm is not for the faint hearted, but it was a full house at July’s recent Super Sewing Saturday Retreat at GJ’s Fabrics!
As always, there were some amazing quilts being made, and a lot of finishing touches on quilts for the MQG Michael Miller Challenge as members were racing to meet the 25 July deadline – go MMQG!!

We were treated to a fantastic trunk show and talk by Emma Jansen,who wowed us all with her stunning quilts, mostly using fabric of her own design.  It was great to see fabric that clearly had been designed with quilters in mind.



Her trunk show took us through vibrant quilts in bold colours,


as well as a (healthy) obsession for rainbow motifs!


Emma did also spend some time admiring members’ quilts, and took a particular shine to Janine’s beautiful quilt made from old floral bedsheets.

All members who attended also received a lovely wee sample pack of Emma’s new Terra Australis fabric line, so we look forward to seeing that pop up in future creations.

The next Super Sewing Retreat will be held in October, but there’s plenty of events before then to get us through the winter!  Bookings for the Super Sewing Saturday event on Sat 2 August are open now.
