

MMQG Inc were delighted to welcome members to our first Annual General Meeting on Thursday 20 November.

The meeting provided the perfect opportunity to reflect on all the activities undertaken since ‘officially’ opening for membership in December 2013, and look forward to the future of the Guild.

20141120_201112Louise presented an informative report of all the achievements and challenges of the Guild since incorporation, and gave a great overview of where we are, and where we are heading.

Andrea presented a very thorough financial report of the Guild’s activities in the past financial year, and was (thankfully!) reinstated as MMQG Inc Treasurer for the next financial year.

We do however have one change in our committee from here on in, as Alissa has resigned from her Committee role looking after memberships and IT.

We would sincerely like to thank Alissa for her enormous contribution to the Guild in both its earlier and current form.  Not only is Alissa a founding member of MMQG, she was part of the original committee and in addition to handling all things IT, including hosting and updating the website and being the admin for all of our online activities, she took on the Secretary role from incorporation last year and managed our membership process and records.  The latter has been a lot of hard work, requiring setting up of processes, files, invoicing, issuing membership welcome packs and adding members to the MQG and our Facebook group.  We look forward to Alissa’s ongoing involvement in the Guild as a member and wish her all the best with her new responsibilities working full time with Spotlight.

Taking on this role in the Committee will be Alys.  Alys moved to Melbourne from Canberra in late 2013, and having been an early member in the Canberra MQG, she ran straight to MMQG when she moved south.  She has quickly established herself in MMQG and loves the friends, social aspect,  the chance to learn from your peers and talk to people who are as crazy about fabric as you are!

Alys will bring her professional skills in political campaigning and organising to this role and will project manage all things IT for MMQG Inc.


MMQG Inc members will receive the full minutes of the AGM by email early next week.  Members are reminded that they are welcome to submit suggestions or comments to the MMQG Inc Committee at any time by email to info@melbournemodernquiltguild.com